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Голухова Елена Зеликовна

Golukhova Elena Zelikovna
Director of A. N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health,
PhD, Professor, Academician of the RAS

Бокерия Лео Антонович

Bockeria Leo Antonovich
President of A. N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health,
PhD, Professor, Academician of the RAS

Dear patients, colleagues and friends,

Welcome to A.N. Bakulev National Medical Research Center for Cardiovascular Surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health,- one of the largest cardiosurgery and cardiology scientific centers in the world, lead institution in the Russian Federation in the field of “cardiovascular surgery”. Center’s medical activity is focused on surgical treatment of patients of all ages, since their first days, with any cardiovascular diseases: coronary artery disease, congenital and acquired heart defects, diseases of aorta and its branches, of lymphovenous system, heart rhythm disorders, cerebral circulation disorders, heart tumors, vascular diseases and many other diseases.

A. N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health holds leading positions in Europe in terms of the number of on-pump open-heart operations. More than 27,000 patients underwent treatment, more than 13,000 operations were performed in 2022, about 5,000 of them was on-pump open-heart surgery, more than 6,000 were endovascular interventions and more than 2,000 was closed heart surgery including operations in aorta, main and peripheral arteries.

Center's structure

V.I. Burakovsky
Institute of Cardiac Surgery
365 beds

Institute of coronary
and vascular surgery
140 beds

Rehabilitation Center
for children with heart diseases
62 beds

There are currently 39 departments where 2,563 highly qualified specialists work at A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health. The Center employs 471 doctors, 745 nurses and 231 junior medical staff, 4 Academicians of RAS, 2 Corresponding members of RAS, 28 Professors, 98 PhDs, and 195 MDs. Due to well-coordinated work of the pediatric cardiosurgical departments and Perinatal Cardiology Center, the logistics of diagnostic and surgical care for the youngest patients, starting from the first days of life, works effectively. Annually, the Center treats more than a thousand infants, more than 3,000 children with congenital heart defects older than 1 year. About 1,500 young patients undergo rehabilitation treatment course after heart surgery at the Rehabilitation Center for Children. The Center has raised more than one generation of national cardiac surgery stars, who have developed, patented and performed successfully unique operations that are first of a kind in the world practice. Our main task is well-timed highly professional patient care based on rich scientific experience, advanced technologies and the interdisciplinary approach.

Medical activity A. N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health is the leader in the number of performed operations on heart and vessels in the Russian Federation

Video about the Center


  • Highly qualified medical care for patients with cardiovascular diseases.
  • Scientific research, experimental and clinical development and implementation of new medical devices and technologies for prevention, diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Development and improvement of methods for perinatal diagnostics of congenital heart defects in a fetus.
  • Study of the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and annual analysis of its status in the Russian Federation, updating of clinical guidelines and standards of patient care.
  • Field consultations in the Russian Federation regions on “cardiovascular surgery” profile.
  • Training of scientific and medical personnel in the specialties: "cardiovascular surgery", "cardiology", "anesthesiology-intensive care" and other specialties in residency and postgraduate studies, as well as in the system of additional professional education.
  • Organization and carrying out of scientific congresses and conferences in the field of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Organization and carrying out of telemedicine consultations.

Equipment and technologies
The Center is equipped with advanced expert class diagnostic and surgical equipment. The Center surgery suite includes 35 operating rooms, where dozens of surgical operations are performed daily in patients with various cardiovascular system diseases, including 21 operating rooms for open surgery, 9 operating rooms for endovascular interventions, and 5 operating rooms for surgical treatment of rhythm disorders. New X-ray operating rooms with a modern 3-D navigation mapping system were put into operation; a high-tech microscope "Leica PROvido" is used to perform unique operations of lymphovenous anastomosis. A.N. Bakulev Center has the only in Moscow two-tube computed tomograph of the latest generation SOMATOM Definition Force, which provides ultra-fast scanning and impeccable image quality at low radiation exposure with a minimum dose of contrast agent. Center’s own Department of clinical and production transfusiology (“Blood Service” of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health) annually makes more than 11,000 donations, harvesting and processing more than 8,000 liters of donor blood.

Plan a visit to our Center


General multi-line phone
Monday- Friday from 8:30 tо 17:30 (Moscow time)

Moscow, Rublyovskoye shosse, 135
Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 8, building 7


Институт кардиохирургии им. В.И. Бураковского
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
Институт коронарной и сосудистой хирургии
119049, Москва, Ленинский проспект, дом 8, корпус 7
Реабилитационный центр для детей с пороками сердца
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
(понедельник-пятница с 8.30 до 17.30)
Адрес электронной почты

1998 - 2025, ФГБУ «НМИЦ ССХ им. А.Н. Бакулева» Минздрава России. Все права защищены. 117931, Leninsky Prospekt 8 building 7, Moscow, Russia