Department of resuscitation and intensive care at the Institute of Coronary and Vascular Surgery
24/7 patients care is provided after planned and emergency surgeries on the open heart and great vessels under cardiopulmonary bypass in the Department of resuscitation and intensive care.
Postoperative care of particularly severe patients, including those with various complications, is provided here.
More than 3 thousand operations are performed at the Institute of Coronary and Vascular Surgery annually, 80% of patients get intensive care in the Department of resuscitation and intensive therapy.
Modern equipment and advanced techniques used in the Department, high qualification of employees allow to provide care to patients after the most complex operations, including the patients over 75 years old with severe comorbidity.
Modern methods of renal and hepatic replacement therapy have been developed and put into practice in the Department to prevent and treat multiple organ failure. These methods have improved the results of treatment of severe patients in critical condition.
Today, the Department employs 52 highly qualified specialists: 10 doctors, including those with a degree, 12 nurses. All employees mastered the methods of using various systems of assisted and replacement circulation for the treatment of critical heart or respiratory failure.
Department staff
Head of department
Professor at the chair of anesthesiology and intensive care at the Institute of Higher Qualification Personnel Training and Professional Development
head nurse
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Monday- Friday from 8:30 tо 17:30 (Moscow time)
Moscow, Rublyovskoye shosse, 135
Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 8, building 7