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Top management and management authorities

Top management and management authorities

Golukhova Elena Zelikovna
Director of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor, Academician of the RAS
Chief consultant arrhythmologist of the Russian Ministry of Health

Boсkeria Leo Antonovich
President of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor, Academician of the RAS
Chief consultant cardiovascular surgeon of the Russian Ministry of Health

Podzolkov Vladimir Petrovich
Deputy Director for science of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor, Academician of the RAS

Yarustovsky Mikhail Borisovich
Deputy Director for science and clinical work of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor, Corresponding member of the RAS

Sokolskaya Nadezhda Olegovna
Scientific Secretary of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine

V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery

Aslanidi Irakly Pavlovich

Deputy Director for science of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor

Buziashvili Yuriy Iosifovich
Deputy Director for science of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor, Academician of the RAS

Kim Aleksey Ivanovich

Deputy Director for medical work with newborns and infants of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor

Rybka Michail Michailovich

Deputy Director for anesthesiology and intensive care of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health

Svobodov Andrey Andreyevich

Deputy Director for science of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor

Semenov Vladimir Yuryevich
Deputy Director for organizational and methodical work of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor

Shatalov Konstantin Valentinovich

Deputy Director for science of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor

Tetvadze Inga Vladimirovna
Chief Physician of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health

Institute of coronary and vascular surgery

Skopin Ivan Ivanovich
Director of the Institute of Coronary and Vascular Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor, Corresponding member of the RAS

Orlov Igor Nikolayevich
Chief Physician of the Institute of Coronary and Vascular Surgery, of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health

Rehabilitation Center for children with congenital heart diseases

Zavarina Anna Yuryevna
Chief Physician of the Rehabilitation Center for children with heart diseases of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health

Scientific branch

Kokshenev Igor Valeriyevich
Chief scientific researcher of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health
PhD in Medicine, Professor

Papitashvili Vasiliy Georgievich
Leading scientific researcher of V.I. Burakovsky Institute of Cardiac Surgery of A.N. Bakulev National medical research center for cardiovascular surgery of the Russian Ministry of Health

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Monday- Friday from 8:30 tо 17:30 (Moscow time)

Moscow, Rublyovskoye shosse, 135
Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 8, building 7


Институт кардиохирургии им. В.И. Бураковского
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
Институт коронарной и сосудистой хирургии
119049, Москва, Ленинский проспект, дом 8, корпус 7
Реабилитационный центр для детей с пороками сердца
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
(понедельник-пятница с 8.30 до 17.30)
Адрес электронной почты

1998 - 2025, ФГБУ «НМИЦ ССХ им. А.Н. Бакулева» Минздрава России. Все права защищены. 117931, Leninsky Prospekt 8 building 7, Moscow, Russia