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Arakelyan Valeriy Sergeevich



Head of department
cardiovascular surgeon

Academic degree / category

PhD in Medicine, highest category physician


Grodno State Medical Institute of Belarusian SSR, speciality “general medicine”, 1983

  • Residency
    «A. N. Bakulev NMRC for Cardiovascular Surgery» Russian Ministry of Health, speciality «cardiovascular surgery», 1987-1989
  • Doctorate
    «A. N. Bakulev NMRC for Cardiovascular Surgery» Russian Ministry of Health, 1992-1995

MD thesis «Immediate results of repeated thoracic aorta operations» was defended in 1990.

PhD thesis «Clinical presentation, diagnostics and results of surgical treatment of aortic isthmus aneurysm» was defended in 2001.

Awarded «Professor» academic degree, speciality «cardiovascular surgery», 2009

Further education course, speciality «cardiovascular surgery», 2021

Further education course, speciality «pediatrics», 2022

Sphere of scientific and practical interests

  • Surgical treatment of aneurysms, thoracic and abdominal aortic dissections. Diseases of great and peripheral arteries.

  • Surgical treatment of aorta, great and peripheral arteries diseases. Aorta and peripheral arteries hybrid operations.

  • Member of the Russian Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons. Member of the Association of Phlebologists of Russia.

  • Member of the European Society of Vascular Surgeons.                    

  • Member of the European Society of Vascular and Endovascular Surgeons.

  • Deputy Editor-in-chief of the journal «Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery», member of the editorial board of the journals «Phlebology», «Angiology and Vascular Surgery», and «Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery».

  • Professor at the Chair of Cardiovascular Surgery with a course in arrhythmology and clinical electrophysiology of the Institute of High Qualified Personnel Training and Professional Education.

Scientific activity

The author of more than 600 scientific papers, which were published in Russia and abroad, including 6 monographs, 4 patents for medical inventions.

Personal achievements

  • Awarded the badge «Excellence in Healthcare», 2006.

  • Professor Arakelyan was awarded the Academician A.N. Bakulev Prize for his great personal contribution to the development of aortic surgery in 2013.

  • Professor Arakelyan was awarded the commemorative medal of the Association of Cardiovascular Surgeons for participation in the first scientific and practical conference "Fundamental issues of blood system management", 2017.

  • For the merits in the development of heart and vascular surgery, he was awarded the commemorative medal of «The Academician of RAMS Vladimir Ivanovich Burakovsky», 2019.

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General multi-line phone
Monday- Friday from 8:30 tо 17:30 (Moscow time)

Moscow, Rublyovskoye shosse, 135
Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 8, building 7


Институт кардиохирургии им. В.И. Бураковского
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
Институт коронарной и сосудистой хирургии
119049, Москва, Ленинский проспект, дом 8, корпус 7
Реабилитационный центр для детей с пороками сердца
121552, Москва, Рублевское шоссе, дом 135
(понедельник-пятница с 8.30 до 17.30)
Адрес электронной почты

1998 - 2024, ФГБУ «НМИЦ ССХ им. А.Н. Бакулева» Минздрава России. Все права защищены. 117931, Leninsky Prospekt 8 building 7, Moscow, Russia